Document requirements
In order for you to obtain a nulla osta from your Consulate, the paperwork allowing you to marry here in Italy, we need you to do the following:
Before you come to Italy:
In order for you to obtain a nulla osta from your Consulate, the paperwork allowing you to marry here in Italy, we need you to do the following:
Before you come to Italy:
Document requirements for British and Northern Irish citizens:
In order for us to obtain the necessary translations and Italian paperwork
from the Italian Courts allowing you to marry
here in Italy, we need you to do the following:
Before you come to Italy:
1.You must go to your local register office and give notice of your marriage (have the banns published) and request a “certificate of no impediment” for each of you, for your marriage abroad (this will take about 3 weeks). The certificates are valid for 6 months in Italy, from the date of your appointment (with the exception of those living in Scotland, where the certificates are valid for 3 months only). These certificates must be legalised by the FCO Legalisation Office in the UK.
2.Complete a bi-lingual statutory declaration form and have it certified by a UK solicitor or public notary and then legalised by the FCO Legalisation Office in the UK.
3.Your passports must be valid until after your wedding date and your return home.
4.You must be 18 years old or over to marry in Italy.
5.Your 2 witnesses must be 18 years old or over.
No later than 3 months before the wedding:
If any of these apply to you, copies of the following documents must also be sent:
Document requirements for Irish citizens:
In order for us to obtain a nulla osta from the Irish Embassy in Rome, the paperwork allowing you to marry here in Italy, we need you to do the following:
Before you come to Italy:
You need to send us, by registered post, the following documents:
A:For those having a civil service:
B: For those having a religious service:
The 2 original ‘nulla osta’.
If any of these apply to you, the following original documents must also be sent by those marrying in church:
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